Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sunshine on window boxes

At about this time of year, I start to get hopeful. The mornings get lighter. I start to leave work as the sun sets, looking at my beautiful adopted city bathed in impossible - and impossible to photograph - colours. Then it gets lighter earlier still, and soon I'll be leaving the office in daylight. The quality of light starts to change - this could be fanciful, but it starts to feel stronger, richer. It is still freezing cold outside most days, but it starts to become possible to believe that some time soon, spring will come.

And so, last weekend, as hope started to break through, I looked out at the window boxes and decided it was time to replace the dead plants left over from late last summer. I dragged The Husband out to the garden centre and picked plants that would bring colour and interest to the window boxes and endure the remaining frosts.


Here are the results: last year's box, a lot of primroses, narcissi and crocuses. Every morning, when I peak out of the window to see what the weather's doing, I see flowers, and know the day is going to be ok. I can't wait for more buds to open.





  1. I adore irises. I shall be embracing the windowbox as soon as I can find one that I know won't make a bid for freedom onto passers-by.

  2. I totally agree! I've got a lovely little south facing balcony and lots of little plants all lined up and ready to go onto it! Welcome back spring, I've missed you...

  3. Blonde: we screwed eyelets into the window frame and looped wire around the box, and they're now super secure.

    Zedpea: don't they cheer you up!
